Christmas 2013

posted on: Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas was on a completely different scale this year than years past. And not so much in the way of so-busy-my-head-my-burst-catergory. It was more along the lines of laid-back, should we make breakfast at three in the afternoon kind of way. Which was so refreshing. Annnnnd it was also our first Christmas where we were all on our lonesome. A scary thought at first, but totally worth having the kids sleep-in (yes!) in their own beds.

 It was fun making Christmas traditions for ourselves. And it was even more fun mixing both of our traditions from our families--Christmas pjs, sugar cooking-making for Santa, coconut shrimp for Christmas Eve, Secret Santa door bell ditching, Christmas lightshow perusing, and ringing a bell Christmas morning. It was kind of jam packed that when we went to bed that night we had completely forgotten about watching a Christmas movie with the kids before bed, John merely remarked that there was no way we were keeping the kids up until midnight (um, I disagree--the longer they're up the later they sleep)? And along with all the traditions I gained a new appreciation for my Mom-- how did she stuff the stocking so perfectly?! I believe the orange in the toe is the kicker.

We decided early on this year that we wanted our little family Christmas to be simple. Less gifts equals less wrapping (and clean-up), which is a win for me because I end up doing both. It didn't matter though because once both kids found their toy of choice (Brecken-Angry Birds, Addy-baby doll) there wasn't really any desire to unwrap any other gifts. Ironically, I spent most my time unwrapping all the gifts I had wrapped the night before... ;)
Later that afternoon we spent time with John's family, sledding, and eating, and unwrapping gifts, annnd eating again because it's just the way we are. We also had a white elephant gift exchange.  everyone was coming off a sugar-high and a prime rib induced food coma which all culminated into lamp shade wearing, cowboy hate toting hysteria. you had to have been there. We came home with cookies cutters and Depends....
Christmas, you were good. And you brought us lots of memories. Until next year friend.

The day(s) Addy thought Santa was an ax murderer

posted on: Wednesday, December 18, 2013

So we are in fact sure that Addy does not care much for Santa. I guess we should have learned that bearded man was not clearly her favorite person the first time we went to see Santa, but we thought we would do our due diligence and take her again.
//Has begun to see her life flash before her eyes. And I am sure Santa is thinking the same thing..//
And there you have it folks. I think she's still skeptical and completely scared out of her mind. I could be wrong.

His birthday. a month late.

posted on: Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So Brecken's birthday was over a month ago and I just now realized that I never posted his party. This kid. I could write a book about him and all the things that come out of his mouth. Just this morning he went and laid on the couch and said, "Maaaa, come cuddle me and stare at the beautiful Christmas tree." I mean who could turn that down. But as soon as I laid next to him he said "Maaa! I need your phone to make me feel better." right. It's all about priorities.
And remember the life size Angry Birds display John built? I posted it on Instagram. Well we set it up in the garage for his birthday and the kids were entertained for hours and the gobs of candy and chocolate I shoved down their throats made me an obvious hit with their parents.
My kid is four. Four! Which makes me feel old and it makes me really appreciate the miracle and resilience of kids because I've never been able to keep a plant alive yet we've somehow mastered parenting which is kind of ah-mazing.
Happy (late-late) Birthday kid, you're cool and I really like that.

ten useless facts plus one.

posted on: Monday, December 2, 2013

Have you seen that viral post going around Facebook? You know the one where you get a random number and then you tell that many things about yourself. If you're on Facebook I'm sure you avoided liking at least 50 posts....give or take.
Here's ten utterly useless facts.
1//I get nervous when I'm not talking. Kind of like I have to be talking or else things get awkward and then things get really awkward anyway because I'm usually talking when I'm not suppose to.
2//I once dreamt I was married to Eli Manning. The following week he won the Super Bowl. Coincidence? I think not. (No worries John, your man candy job is safe).
3//I have a thing for chapstick and colorful vintage books and globes AND shoes.  I also have a thing for ugly sweaters. Isn't this shirt from Skip N' Whistle awesome? Ugly sweaters year around they said! I agree. Basically, what I'm trying to say is I have a lot of "things." John would whole-heartedly agree.
4//I always wanted to be the karate kid. still do. it's weird I know. But if that doesn't pan out I would like to go back to law school.
5//I like to cook, but these hands are useless when it comes to baking.
6//I once met the Russian version of Oprah...or so they say.
7//Restlessness is commonplace for me. I always have this nagging feeling like I'm missing out on a party or event. It's always been that way. A life of travel  would be ideal, but I married a homebody so I'm sure you can imagine how that worked out.
8//Waffles and pancakes taste like crap. Along with cantaloupe.
9//I have always wanted to live on a street with sidewalks. When it finally it happened I missed gravel roads. go figure.
10//I have a thing for food too. Good food. Food that tells a story and not only presents itself with love but you can tell it was made with love. yeah, that's that type of food I like. Obviously, McDonalds doesn't fall under this realm, but my favorite bar does, it's delish.
11// I don't follow rules or even my own rules.
Hey. It's also CyberMonday and SkipN'Whistle is offering 20% off from now until Christmas. They have some stellar ugly sweaters and shirts...think dinosaurs-meet-Santa. Just use promocode: SANTA
shop away my friends. shop away.

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