Blasted Computer....

posted on: Sunday, February 13, 2011

Flippin' monkeys! Holy Mother Teresa!  Dang Nambit!

Yep, just a few of the random thoughts that went through my head over the last few computer went on the fritz. tear.

So ya'll will get graced with this face while I try to figure out the lil' ole problem-o.
On a more random and probably more productive note I was asked earlier this week how I adjusted my blog widths. Well, major disclaimer, I am no expert in html or blogging, so take what I have to say with the knowledge that I am not a professio-naaaallll...

How to adjust widths:

Click on Dashboard
Click on Design
Click on Template Designer
Once in Template Designer scroll down to where it says "Adjust Widths"
Now adjust the width to what you want, for instance, my blog is 1000 px and my right sidebar is 290 px.
Once you have found the perfect width for your blog click "Apply to Blog."

Easy Peasy folks!


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