Because of you I became a mother--a little sooner than expected, but I became a mother nonetheless.
Because of you I learned the true meaning of prayer and just how strong I could really become.
Because of you I learned how to change a diaper, apply the right about of Desitin, and how to proper apply baby powder without a cloud of white covering you and myself.
Because of you I learned the value of sleep. Oh how I miss sleep and waking up at ten in the morning--but I must say, I have now witnessed some very beautiful sun rises.
Because of you I now have a pocket full of "firsts"--first giggle, first tummy roll, first steps, first words, first kiss, first "I love you..." the list could go on.
Because of you my purse has morphed from a bag that once held the daily essentials of lip gloss, keys, movie tickets, iPod, text books, pens, and gum to a sea of graham crackers, diapers, melted crayons, dum dums, helicopters, wipes, and crushed cheerios.
Because of you I found pleasure in late night cuddle sessions. You wispy breathe and hot body are small reminders of your father and all the little things that you have inherited from him.
Because of you I learned that dinner's out require crayons and an iPad and that no dinner outing is complete without drawing lots of kites, balloos, cakes, helicoppers, and the occasional shrek (yes, I've mastered drawing shrek).
Because of you I've learned the truthfulness of unselfish acts and giving ones self for another being.
Because of you I've learned that any adventure to Target requires at least a bag of popcorn and a red n' blue Icee.
Because of you, my Mom became a grandmother. I would like to say I'm one of her all-time greatest achievements, but I think you may have beat us all. Oh how she loves you.
Because of you I now appreciate her even more. Motherhood is hard. so hard. And now I have the smallest understanding of what she went through. You helped to open my eyes, B.
My baby boo. You run, you jump, you never ever ever stop and you won't stay off my kitchen counter. You laugh hysterically and talk all the time. You know your way around my phone and iPad like you are the love child of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
There is never a moment where you are not saying you ABC's, pointing out numbers, or noticing every shape. You are so smart and your laughter is contagious to anyone you meet. You may not know it now but you have such a large heart and your love for everyone around you never ceases.
For having such a scary start to live you have found a way to make up the difference. You're smile, your eyes, you fiery red hair, and oh those long eyelashes will be the death of me someday. But for now you are mine and because of all these things and more I am so blessed that God let me be your Momma.
Happy Mothers to all you fine ladies out there! And a very special and heart felt Mother's Day to my own Momo and mother-in-law, you're the cream of the crop and I love you .

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