First Outing...

posted on: Thursday, June 14, 2012

 In high school I was involved in FFA. Some of you may know it as Future Farmers of America or those silly kids that walk around in stylish corduroy jackets. Yes, I was one of those cool kids. During my freshman year of college I was a Montana FFA State Officer. I was lucky enough  to get on a team with six other fabulous people who have become like family.  We've been in each other's weddings, been there for baby showers and births, helped one another move and pack, and every year we get together for a weekend of reminiscing.

Last week was our first outing with the baby. And Brecken's  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-like attitude. You get the picture.But we did it and we survived. It was the feat of a lifetime. We survived sushi night, a racquetball tournament, a BBQ-ing contest, and a gargantuan house where he literally ran laps.
On our way home from the soiree we took a few detours because when civilization is within our grasp we drink it up like it's going out of style. One of our favorite stops included Five Guys Burgers and Fries. Holy mouth watering goodness, their fries are amazing. And let's just say their burgers are what dreams are made of. we also stopped and bought a couple bags of dirt. Yeah, we like to buy dirt. You know just in case there is a high demand for it and the world starts to run out of it we figured we needed to stock up.  John loves to mine for rubies so we always make it a habit of stopping to get mineral rich dirt whenever we have the chance. 


We're in Utah and tomorrow we are going to the zoo and Ikea...I will own you Ikea. prepare yourself.


  1. What the heck! Pat didn't tell me any of this was planned! I'm assuming you invited Looks like you guys had fun!

  2. Ahhh!! When I saw those pictures of heart lept! I am from Utah too but my darling grands live just a few shore miles from the darling town of Philpsburg and I spend many a summer there. Soaking up the warm sun, cool nights and BIG SKY!! Oh what memories!!

  3. Ahhh!! When I saw those pictures of heart lept! I am from Utah too but my darling grands live just a few shore miles from the darling town of Philpsburg and I spend many a summer there. Soaking up the warm sun, cool nights and BIG SKY!! Oh what memories!!

  4. Ahhh!! When I saw those pictures of heart lept! I am from Utah too but my darling grands live just a few shore miles from the darling town of Philpsburg and I spend many a summer there. Soaking up the warm sun, cool nights and BIG SKY!! Oh what memories!!


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