Hope ya'll are have a fantastic night. We have been busy beavers around this house. I can't believe I am finally starting to get to projects that should have been started MONTHS AGO.
Practinator. Slacker. Yep, you can say it, I can take it.
Here's a sneak peak at some of my new projects.
Eek! I may just pee my pants (which isn't uncommon for me....)
By the way we also have a winner of the 500 customized sheets of letterhead.
#4 Jessica you are the winner.
Now you better start crackin' out those letters to Grandma, Aunts n' Uncles, long lost cousins, and your old 3rd grade best friend.
Now you better start crackin' out those letters to Grandma, Aunts n' Uncles, long lost cousins, and your old 3rd grade best friend.
Congrats Chicka please email before midnight.

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