I sometimes catch myself wishing for the downtime of Winter. Not necessarily for the cabin fever moments, but more for the laziness of late mornings nestled into the deepest crevices of the couch reading a book with hot chocolate in hand as the kids play on the floor. You know what I mean? It seems so crazy to think that way especially with the complete transformation Montana takes on during the Summer months, but our days, well they're packed. Jam packed in fact. Park outings, play groups, farmers markets, family visits, vacations, household projects and the list goes on and on. Maybe it's the fear that Summertime will just slip through my grasp if I take any downtime so I take each morsel of the warmth and make the beginning and end of each day full to the brim.
Still, the constant movement has been taxing, wearing, maybe even a bit bone-tiring? Yes, tiring is the right word. I'm fairly certain a majority of the issues arise from Addy still waking up in the night. I'm now tinkering on the edge of comatose-type state. And I'm sure I've mentioned it before but after deciding to take on the duty as the Event Chair for our local Relay For Life the last month or so has turned into a tailspin of meetings, phone calls, planning, and adjusting. John and I have joked that it has now turned into a full-time, non-paying job. Don't get me wrong, I function well during stressful situations and I get this uncanny rush of pushing myself and meeting deadlines, so it has been more rewarding than anything. My kids, however, are less inclined to this new pace of life. And with the days dwindling down until Relay the final stretch, single digits, mad dash--or whatever you may call it is quickly approaching. Which I thought would mean bag-blowing and high-levels of hyperventilating, but I'm not. Which in itself is scary because I should be.
So I'll be the first to admit that I am stretching myself thin--especially is the mom/wife department. I'm sure its evident in my home; laundry still in baskets, packaged meals for dinner, and a little more Netflix than necessary for a three-year-old. So I'm taking a break from blogging/blog reading/Internet perusing, basically the whole she-bang of time guzzling computer entertainment. The break won't be for long, only for a few weeks, just long enough for me to get my bearings straights, get through Relay, and give some one-on-one attention to this little family of mine. My hope is that when I come back I will be knee-deep in new projects, fun posts, and hopefully be less sporadic about writing.
Anyway, enjoy the last few weeks of June. They're fleeting at best.
See you soon.
See you soon.