Whole 30 (and a recipe)

posted on: Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Last week I started doing Whole30 in a effort to try to get my body back in sync with itself. The program intentionally steers away from calling itself a diet because it's more focused around still eating food (and lots of it) but making a conscious effort to cut out grains, dairy, sugar, and processed foods with the hope of a giving a body a needed break from all the junk that seems to be put into it. 

The first day was hard, my body had become so dependent on sugar that by noon I was suffering from a migraine and shaking hands. Torturing myself didn't seem like enough so I decided to clean out our pantry on day one and it was then that I realized that I had been filling my body with between 200-500 calories of wasted junk a day. A chip here, a cookie there, a few reese's, a sip of coke, a bowl of popcorn--each portion was so small that I didn't think it was really hurting me until I looked at the overall picture and realized my careless eating habits were slowly contributing to a number of health problems. On Day 2 my body seemed to slowly be acclimating to the clean change but I was still so weak, I found that by keeping my body nourished all day long and never letting myself get hungry I was at less of risk of binge eating. 

My journey started with reading "It Starts with Food," this book was such an eye opener to the effects that food have on our bodies. Food can either be the best medicine for us or the drug that ultimately kills us. For weeks I had been procrastinating on starting because excuse after excuse would build up--I have a conference, there are holidays, I'll start on Monday, I'll wait until the Summer....they just kept creeping into my mind. But one quote from the book finally pushed me to the point of starting, "It is not hard. Don't you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard...." It just seemed like there was so many other things in this world that are hard that finding a way to limit the junk intake to my body for 30 days should just be...well, easy.

And the results after just 7 days have been so rewarding. I mean it's really hard to even put it in words. I have a 19-year-old flat stomach again, less bloating, no bags under my eyes, I go to sleep more quickly, I wake up refreshed--it really was the exact medicine I needed. Did I mention the weight loss? It really has been such an eye opener to how my food choices have been negatively impacting my body. 

If you're interested in learning more about Whole30 start here and here. I also have a Pinterest Board with lots of great recipes and tips and tricks if you need more insight. And what would a post be if there was an added bonus, made these bad boys last night and they were delish!

Whole30 Beef (or elk) Fajitas

1-2 Flank Steaks  (we used elk steak)
1 Roma Tomato
1 head of Romaine or Butter Lettuce
2 Ripe Avocados
Red Pepper
White Onion
4 Garlic Cloves
2 Limes
1 Lemon
Organic Fajita Seasoning
Onion Powder
Salt and Pepper
Garnish: grape tomatoes and olives

Steak Marinade Recipe:
1 TSP Olive Oil
2 TSP Lime Juice
1 TSP Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp Cumin
1/4 tsp Salt and Pepper
1/2 organic Fajita Seasoning
1/2 tsp onion powder
2 crushed or minced garlic cloves

Guacamole Recipe:
2 Ripe Avocados
1 small Roma Tomatoe
1/4 C diced White Onion
1 TSP Lime Juice
1 tsp Cumin
1 minced garlic clove
Dash of Salt and Pepper

Sauteed Vegetables Recipe:
1 Sliced Red Pepper
1 Sliced White Onion
1 minced Garlic Clove
1 TSP Organic Fajita Seasoning
1/4 tsp Cumin
Olive Oil

Mix marinade ingredients together and pour of steaks. Allow them to marinade at room temperature for 30 minutes. While they steaks marinade mix all guacamole ingredients together and place in refrigerator for cooling. Begin cooking steaks on BBQ, depending on the size of the steak cook for roughly 5 minutes on both sides. While steaks are on the BBQ begin to saute the vegetables and ingredients, cook until the onions are a nice translucent color. Pull steak from the BBQ and thinly slice, mix in with the sauteed vegetables. Serve over lettuce and top with guacamole and tomatoes. 



  1. I have been seeing this so much lately! Researching it all day, I am definitely going to start! I look forward to seeing your progress. Going to get the book today!!! :)

  2. Reading about giving up those foods takes me back early this winter when I was diagnosed as intolerant of gluten and dairy. It's amazing how addicted we truly are to certain foods, and how much we don't realize until we're forced to give them up. As a result of not eating gluten and dairy I now eat quite clean but still have certain indulgences I know I should give up. I'm off to read more about Whole 30.

  3. I feel like I'm really good at not being a snacker. Well, that's not entirely true, but I'm not a big sweets person and I can go without chips and stuff. Bread and cheese are my downfalls. I've been exercising for the first time in my life for the past three weeks. I've got some years on ya. I've never had weight issues, but I feel like my age is catching up with me. It's harder to lose those extra five pounds. We're going to Arizona for a wedding in June and I'll be in a situation where I need to wear a bathing suit. I've had three kids. Even if I'm not "overweight", everything is soft and flabby and not exactly attractive. I haven't worn a bathing suit in public since I was in my 20's. If that ain't motivation, I don't know what is. I love to cook and feel like we eat a healthy dinner every night, but I'm curious to check this "diet" out. Off to click the links.....

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  5. The Blue Boat's mix marinade recipe is not only delicious but also a great way to promote healthy eating. My Health Online encourages a balanced diet as well. Meri Sehat's online medical services offer personalized diet plans and nutrition advice, ensuring holistic health management. Their user-friendly platform makes healthcare accessible to all.

  6. This steak marinade recipe is amazing! I used it for a special occasion and everyone loved it. The flavors really enhanced the meat. I highly recommend it. By the way, if you ever need help writing an appeal letter, check out the services offered by Appeal Letter Service. They provide top-notch writing assistance for all types of documents.

  7. Your Whole30 journey is inspiring! Tackling sugar cravings and cleaning out your pantry is a big step. It’s amazing to see how mindful eating can reshape your health. It's like leveling up in the Funny Shooter 2 game, where every choice counts towards your ultimate goal.


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