It's hard to catch John in spontaneous moments, he's not a huge fan of me snapping pictures and he's even more reluctant when I write posts specifically about him. A few days ago he turned 30 and while he kept remarking that it wasn't a big deal a part of me slightly wondered where our twenties went? For most of it we were together and we battled through some tough trials and some even bigger life changes and yet I still thought, did we accomplish enough? I would venture to say that he would roll his eyes and remark "yes."
Before we got married I remember our Bishop once telling us in a pre-marital class that there are many Johns in this world and not a lot of Halseys. From what I could gather it wasn't meant to be an insult as to suggest that John encompassed one of those personality types that was calm and collected and did everything by the book while still remaining true to his beliefs. I'm sure you can imagine I was described more as ricocheting bullet, I stilll pray there are more calm and collected people in this world...
The past two years haven't been easy on us, I'm sure I've resembled more of a bear than a loving wife, yet John has still stood by silently helping through the tears and the emotions. He's good that way. He gives our relationship the space we need to grow as individuals but when times are tough he always seems to be a steady force to hold on to. The words always seem to escape me when I try to describe how much I love him. I know I don't show my love and gratitude nearly enough and I know I demand more than I give and somehow he still loves me. He's a great man and a even amazing husband and Dad and I hope the next ten years are even more exciting than the last.
Happy Birthday Johnny B, you are loved!