I'm a firm believer that New Year's Resolutions are matters of the heart. Each year, intentions are set to lose weight, give more-take less, eat healthier, spend more time with loved ones--each goal focused on the end result of bettering oneself.
Last year I aimed to a create a more focused life. While I fell short in a few areas, others have flourished thus altering my own paradigm. Isn't that what it is really all about anyway? Making a conscious effort to change. For the past month or so I have been tossing around the idea of this year's resolution. Usually I settle on something generic like weight loss or less candy consumption. However, I found that I am content with those areas of my life for the time. Instead I decided to focus (there's that word again) on simplifying my life. Nothing to dramatic, just simple things like a more minimalism lifestyle, i.e. toys that don't require batteries, more books and less television, meals that are fresh and not pre-packaged, buying quality instead of quantity, and ultimately going back to the basics of my marriage.
Laying in bed a few nights ago John confessed that he's felt as though he's been replaced by the children--that any love that I once had for him was being now channeled in our children's direction. It stung and hurt, but truth be told, I knew that I wasn't finding the proper balance between being a wife and a mother. Since the arrival of Addison it has seemed like such a juggling act where if I look away for one moment all the pieces in my life crumble to the floor.
With that said, I hope to simplify things in my marriage by setting aside time for one-on-one interaction, letting petty nonsense not develop into full-blown battles, and trying to see the daily good in my husband. Someone once told me that if I would set aside five minutes of my time everyday for my husband when he arrived home from work I would start to see small (yet positive) changes happen in my marriage. It's been hard, but the results have slowly begun to resonate.
Here's to am amazing (and simplified) 2013. Be safe tonight!